Little Chefs

In lieu of the more adult-themed Pizza and Prosecco party, we had the homeschool kiddos and their mums over to have a make-your-own pizza party. It was crazy, but such fun! I made the dough the night before, with bread-dough flour, recommended by my friends over at Kooser’s. (More gluten in it to make it extra stretchy). My little souls-chef Liesl helped me knead it, and I only had to send the hubs out for extra groceries once! The other moms all brought the toppings and extra rolling pins, and we let the kids go to town! It was messy, but I think they really enjoyed it. I fixed a big green salad for the moms and I, and we snagged some leftover slices from the kids. Here they are rolling out their dough. It was all hands on deck for this step!

Don’t have as many pictures of the rolling out process as I should 😦 It was a little bananas! 😉

Adding toppings:

Can you sense the focus and intensity? Liesl was trying to make a face on hers!

Someone had a cheese aversion that day, ha ha! Whatever floats your boat, big guy!

Most artistic award goes to this gorgeous pizza, look at all the beautiful colors!

And here are the finished products!

See the smiley face? A good time was had by everyone, as evidenced by this guy’s shirt!

It’s always been a dream of mine to have a place for people to gather, I hope the kiddos and mums enjoyed it as much as I! (Side note: I won’t name names, but someone found a sick mouse outside, PICKED IT UP and BROUGHT IT IN THE HOUSE!!!! EEEEK!) You’ve got to love boys!


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